Permanent makeup enhances your natural beauty

Permanent makeup enhances your natural beauty

Permanent makeup is also known as micropigmentation or tattoo makeup.  The procedure is needles placing pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. The end result of permanent makeup can be soft and natural or dramatic and stunning, that depends on you the look you are going for.

Permanent Makeup Prices

Complimentary perfecting session within 2 months of initial appointment

*please click on each service below for a detailed description


Good Candidates

As long as you don't have any of the below items for non-candidacy, then you are a good candidate for Permanent Makeup.  You will be required to acknowledge that you don't have any non-candidacy items  via a form that will be generated when you book the service.

Items for Non-Candidacy
Items which would exclude you from receiving service
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Diabetic patients (unless under control)
  • Skin diseases
  • Directly after Botox treatment (after 2 months is allowed)
  • Use of acutance, isotretinoin, or other retinoid (after 6 months is allowed)
  • If you have a pacemaker, manual method can be used, but any machine use is not allowed.
  • Very sensitive and pain intolerant
  • Sunburn or frostbitten (allowed after symptoms are gone)
  • Seborrhea Dermatitis
  • Peeling skin or excessive sebum skin
  • Epilepsy
  • Keratosis
  • Recent permanent makeup or certain tones those aren’t correctable