The Wonderful Benefits of Hot Stones Massage

When it comes to relaxation and relieving stress, getting a massage is one of the first things that comes to mind. And when we think about massage, people normally choose the familiar ones like Swedish and Shiatsu. 

However, did you know that there is another therapy that could help you get the most out of massage? what is it? None other than a hot stone massage. 

If you are not familiar with this yet, here are the things that you should know and the benefits that hot stone massage can bring to your health and body. 

What is a Hot Stone Massage?

This is a massage therapy that uses warm, flat stones, usually Basalt river rocks, that are placed in specific locations on your body. 

Using a stone heater, these stones are being heated to temperatures 0 – 140 degrees.

Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage

1. Relaxes You More

When your muscles are warm, they respond better to massage techniques like kneading and rolling. The benefit of the heat resting on your body releases deep tension to help ease sore muscles.

2. Improves Your Circulation

Warm stones encourage the exchange of blood and lymph and provide soothing heat for deep-tissue work.The heat from the stones penetrates through muscle to open your blood vessels. As this happens, blood flows more freely through your body for better circulation.

3. Relieves Stress

Hot Stone massage therapy elicits physical healing, mental relaxation, and a spiritual connection to earth energy. For some customers, Hot stone therapy feels like a warm hug.

4. Improves Your Sleep

Receiving regular massage helps lower pain, anxiety and stress that results in difficulty sleeping. With the added warmth and relaxation from your Hot Stone massage, you will feel less tense and ready for more restful sleep. 

5. Helps Boost Immunity 

A scientific study has shown that massage increases our lymphocytes after a single session. Lymphocytes help fight infection in the body. 

By adding a hot stone therapy before your regular massage, you are increasing the effectiveness of the massage to boost your lymphocytes, thus, boosting your immune system.

You may visit this link to schedule your next Hot Stone Massage at Invigorate Spa.